Check the comments :
I'm so sick of these people..Seriously, what the fucking hell? And know they will force the poison on children? I will never forgive these fucking idiots, i loath them more then anything. If the majority of liberals die its a win in my book, useful worthless idiots who has committed their life to destroy the west. Fuck them, fuck these atheist to hell and let them burn forever. I have a bad taste in my mouth just when hearing these snarky idiots speak.
The only forgiveness they should ask is from god, they are my enemy. I don't give a flying fuck about people who says we should be "tolerant" and "understanding" to these maniacs. Fucking pedophile enablers and filth.
Sorry, had to get that one of my chest even if it is not the prudent thing to say or think but ffs. Carry on now.
Hey there,
Not all atheists are pinkos. Just because I'm a godless heathen doesn't mean I think everyone should be.
I value freedom above all, and will fight and die to protect your right to worship how you see fit.
I also don't have a problem with public prayer, teen commandments on buildings, etc. Who am I to tell others (including society as a whole, if most are felicity) what/who to worship and believe? As long as they aren't hurting anyone, let a man keep his faith.
People don't force their beliefs on me, I don't force my lack of belief on them, we get along great. I have two close mates, one is evangelical Christian and the other a pagan/witch. Both are based af, and just to practice their faith without hurting anyone.
Isn't that what this county was founded on?
I empathize with the core feels and main point of your post though. Let's save as many as we can, and let nature (or God, karma, the universe, fate, whatever) take its course on those who won't see the truth of freedom and choose to stay in bondage.
Sorry fren <3
All good man. In every barrel of rotting apples, there's a few that can still be made into apple fritters. :)