The biggest fraud to ever walk these States and is NOT a US Citizen. He was blackmailed by Brennan so he could control Obama. Brennan has been Captured and is at Gitmo. He will be Hung till Dead on June 7th. Posta will stand in front of a Firing Squad on June 1. You'd be shocked at how many are Dead. Hiller Clinton Poisoned Antananarivo Scalia and she died 8 Months ago. Everyone will watch all Executions and Trials if they wish too soon enough. The Gig is up, WE HAVE IT ALL THANKS TO Q. IT DID NOT COST 1 RED CENT TO GET INFO FROM PEPE, Q, MEL OR CERSTEN. PATRIOTS STAND TOGETHER. WE HAVE BEATEN THEM ALL. BIDEN IS NOT USA PRESIDENT, DONALD TRUMP IS. MILITARY AND FEMALE ARE IN CONTROL AT THIS VERY MOMENT. WE ARE ALL BLESSED TO HAVE THE ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION NOT THE 2ND 1, BUT THE ORIGINAL SALLY TUCKED AWAY TILL OUR FREEDOM IS SHOWN WORLD WIDE. KEEP THE FAITH EVERYONE. BE READY. OUR COUNTRY IS GOING TO LEAD THE WORLD.
The biggest fraud to ever walk these States and is NOT a US Citizen. He was blackmailed by Brennan so he could control Obama. Brennan has been Captured and is at Gitmo. He will be Hung till Dead on June 7th. Posta will stand in front of a Firing Squad on June 1. You'd be shocked at how many are Dead. Hiller Clinton Poisoned Antananarivo Scalia and she died 8 Months ago. Everyone will watch all Executions and Trials if they wish too soon enough. The Gig is up, WE HAVE IT ALL THANKS TO Q. IT DID NOT COST 1 RED CENT TO GET INFO FROM PEPE, Q, MEL OR CERSTEN. PATRIOTS STAND TOGETHER. WE HAVE BEATEN THEM ALL. BIDEN IS NOT USA PRESIDENT, DONALD TRUMP IS. MILITARY AND FEMALE ARE IN CONTROL AT THIS VERY MOMENT. WE ARE ALL BLESSED TO HAVE THE ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION NOT THE 2ND 1, BUT THE ORIGINAL SALLY TUCKED AWAY TILL OUR FREEDOM IS SHOWN WORLD WIDE. KEEP THE FAITH EVERYONE. BE READY. OUR COUNTRY IS GOING TO LEAD THE WORLD.