We are all a big alien experiment. Good, neutral and evil aliens experiment on us. Countries exist to prevent contamination of country experiments. States are called experiments of democracy...and they are also alien experiments. We have been treated like cattle by many types of aliens. Trump is an alien who's come to save us from an interdimensional alien called Moloch that eats life force and prefers the life force energy of the innocent. I could go on... what do you all think?
I think I am the 1% that, absolutely no truth could put me in the hospital. Do you feel similar?
are you kidding? For the first time life is exciting!!! I take it as we are here only temporary and it is cooler than any science fiction I've ever read. I have erased fear out of my vocabulary and gained faith in supreme design. All is great and just the way it is supposed to be. And it WILL BE just the way it is supposed to be. Because this is ying and yang, this is light and dark, this is black and white. This is life. The only choice to make is which side are we on. I'm on the side of light and I'm immortal!
Have you been born again?