Months after the plandemic kicked off, commercials for the Great Reset were released by the World Economic Forum. The plan: Release the virus. Shut down the world. Murder the economy with years of lock downs while they 'develop a vaccine.' Force the entire planet into the breadlines of the New World Order under the guise of a public health crisis.
Remember. They never thought Hillary was going to lose. This was to take effect under the last POTUS. Killary. She was going to herald a neo dark age the likes of which most can't conceive. Complete domination of the planet and the human spirit. An era of true horror that could have spanned eons. Imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.
Enter the God Emperor. Trumps Operation Warp Speed developed vaccines fast enough to save the world from complete collapse. Instead of giving them the years they needed to see their plan through, Trump foiled their conquest with a miracle. No matter how imperfect, the vaccines Trump gave us saved the world from an unspeakable nightmare.
Trump thwarted the next dark age. I understand peoples frustration with the vaccine. It's not perfect. It wasn't tested so of course it's dangerous. It never had time to be tested though, did it? You were never going to stop millions from taking it anyways. MSM made sure of that. The deaths caused by these vaccines pales in comparison to the billions they would have murdered in their Great Reset.
As for the Great Reset, simply google it and dig. WEF site for it. A YouTube channel dedicated to it with hundreds of videos speaking on all aspects of their grand design. Official commercials. A book titled after it. Written by one of the masterminds behind it. Klaus Schwab. They're not really hiding it and they are still trying to pull it off, though it's more or less futile now. Thanks to Trump and the US military. You didn't really think Trump did this on his own, did you? It is WW3 after all.
So in closing, Operation Warp Speed saved billions of lives and the rest of humanity from eternal enslavement. People freaking out about the deaths from the vaccine don't realize this yet. These are causalities of WW3. It could have been infinitely worse. Trumped saved the world. Truly saved the world from true evil. Remember this when he reiterates the importance of Warp Speed. It will be known as one of the most, if not the most important operation ever. Thanks to the 2nd Greatest President in history.
The vaccine was likely developed years ago. Operation Warp Speed probably just brought it out ahead of schedule to prevent it from being mandatory.
Seems so, months ago there were posts around showing that it was like patented in Holland by RS or RF around 2013 if i recall well
The coronavirus genome was patented, or at least the way it was sequenced was (not sure exactly what different countries allow) so that research or vaccines could be developed. This iteration, an mRNA vaccine was produced and developed quickly.
Now, I don't think a virus genome should be patentable but that's a different discussion.
Because of Fauci's gain of function research?
lol in before MSM tries to spin this turd into a lovely vase