Kevin Annett comes to mind as he was my first red pill about 15 years ago. He began to find many of these sites at the residential schools and was blacklisted, smeared and threatened because of it. He started the ITCCS, International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. He took on the Ndranghetta and the crown.When I found this out, I told anyone who would 'listen'...only to be met with responses that made me feel like I was talking about the weather.
Kevin Annett comes to mind as he was my first red pill about 15 years ago. He began to find many of these sites at the residential schools and was blacklisted, smeared and threatened because of it. He started the ITCCS, International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. He took on the Ndranghetta and the crown.When I found this out, I told anyone who would 'listen'...only to be met with responses that made me feel like I was talking about the weather.