They created the C-19 virus and then did everything possible to ensure its spread across America so that they could push the "vaxxcine" on the sheeple. Only the "vaxxcine" wasn't to fight the C-19 virus, it was to infect your body with genetically modified RNA in order to sterilize the young and hasten the deaths of the sick and elderly (AKA de-population). At first I thought that those "elites" getting the "jab" on TV were really just getting a saline injection, but now I believe that those elites who publicly got vaccinated were actually getting a real, tested vaccine. Not for C-19 but to protect themselves from those sheeple who got the C-19 vaxxcines and who would then transmit the corrupted vaccines to others via protein shedding.
So the utopia theory? (Based on the show with the name 'utopia') You arent alone in thinking that I imagine