Flew United from Boseman, MT to O'Hare, then to Ft. Wayne, IN (Sky? Flying for United).
Electronic check-in: convenient, scary. I uninstalled the app once the flight was over, but DID make check-in a breeze, did it in the car on way to airport.
TSA security: much more down to earth, took their jobs seriously, but were very cordial. Whole thing is still a joke.
Oh, and TSA had you lower your mask to verify your id picture. What...? Hypocrasy in action. I muttered under my breath about it, some asians stared at me.
- Masks: still required, constant reminders, anouncements in the concourse, in the plane, 1/2 numbs the brain so it seems normal, 1/2 sounds like theyre trying to convince themselves.
MANY people obviously see it all as a joke, but TSA and Airlines still have the power of arrest for non-cimpliance, so everyone obaying, but only just barely.
LOTS of noses poking. I saw 2 non-maskers. Saw 1 pilot, no mask. If you sit down anywhere in the terminal, mask comes off, about 80% of the people.
How does sitting to enjoy a meal, with people walking by a foot away, protect you?
Flight attendants obviously tired of talking about masks. Same monotonous tone as safety briefing, please wear your mask, buckle up, life vest, yadda yadda.
NO ONE social distancing. Not even trying. Tight crouds getting on board. Both flights full. Everyone with good manners.
Final observation: All it will take is one good person with the right connections to tell TSA masks are done and they would vanish from airports overnight, except the 5%-15% who are brainwashed to keep wearing them. Most people seemed to only wear to stay out of trouble. No bead clutching, no accusations of killing others, rudeness, nothing.
My $0.02
I apologize for nothing!... At least the silly errors of text to speach. ?