Well, it’s not a complete red herring because I’ve personally had people in my life who got whatever this is and have run into dozens of people who have had loved ones die from it. Is it no worse than flu and a manipulated flu strain itself? I don’t know. I do know that the numbers were massively manipulated and contrived, yet I have never run into people prior to 2020 who have had loved ones die from the flu. I don’t believe it’s a virus as supposedly no virus has ever been isolated. I do know that a Rockefeller has a patent from about 2017 for the nasal test and that that alone carries issues with it, most notably nano particles. These swabs react to a magnet.
There are also metal nano particles in the jab. I’m sure you have all seen the videos popping up of magnets sticking to people’s arms on the jab site. At least one video has popped up, which may or may not be real but looks real, of a man sticking a magnet to many places on his body.
Why stick metal nano particles in us? I can’t find it now and maybe someone else can help me with a source or two but I have also seen evidence for a patent on this facet of the jab as well. It is supposedly to act with signals put out with 5G waves. For what? Apparently to make those of us who are vaxxed more compliant, like lemmings basically. I know, crazy SCI-FI stuff, but how many other unbelievable things have we seen in the past year and a half that we wouldn’t have thought believable prior to 2020? Remember, Hollywood has primed us for a lot of things that actually exist.
Well, it’s not a complete red herring because I’ve personally had people in my life who got whatever this is and have run into dozens of people who have had loved ones die from it. Is it no worse than flu and a manipulated flu strain itself? I don’t know. I do know that the numbers were massively manipulated and contrived, yet I have never run into people prior to 2020 who have had loved ones die from the flu. I don’t believe it’s a virus as supposedly no virus has ever been isolated. I do know that a Rockefeller has a patent from about 2017 for the nasal test and that that alone carries issues with it, most notably nano particles. These swabs react to a magnet. There are also metal nano particles in the jab. I’m sure you have all seen the videos popping up of magnets sticking to people’s arms on the jab site. At least one video has popped up, which may or may not be real but looks real, of a man sticking a magnet to many places on his body.
Why stick metal nano particles in us? I can’t find it now and maybe someone else can help me with a source or two but I have also seen evidence for a patent on this facet of the jab as well. It is supposedly to act with signals put out with 5G waves. For what? Apparently to make those of us who are vaxxed more compliant, like lemmings basically. I know, crazy SCI-FI stuff, but how many other unbelievable things have we seen in the past year and a half that we wouldn’t have thought believable prior to 2020? Remember, Hollywood has primed us for a lot of things that actually exist.