I asked if you were and you didn't say yes so I assumed that meant no. I actually am interested, as I said before, in discussing. I said though that I'm not interested in having a one sided conversation with someone who assumes my thoughts before I have a chance to respond.
I'll go ahead and answer these. And if you like, and want to be an adult about it, I will again offer to respond to your original comment if you want to have an actual conversation instead of one where you just answer questions for me, because if you choose to act this way still then it'd be clear that you're not interested in being an adult and I'm just gonna lose interest. Again, let me know, but otherwise I'm probably not gonna respond with anything serious. Anyway, here's me taking the serious parts of your comment and answering them:
Surviving a concentration camp isn't based on skill. so I'm not sure I follow this question. He was placed in a labor camp. These weren't people who were treated well, but they weren't all just killed. While the prisoners were alive they did forced labor, so they were kept alive as long as they had use to the german soldiers. He was also moved around to a few camps
Night isn't a story that's supposed to be a history lesson, but a firsthand account of events. He told the story primarily from his own teenaged perspective. As one can assume, a prisoner who saw the gas chambers was more than likely killed, so it's not hard to understand why his firsthand accounts never included a trip through the gas chamber.
He does make several references to the crematoriums (where you can see smoke and smell the burning) though where the bodies were burned, and the mass gravesites (that he walked past).
Genuine question though, I'm not trying to be a dick. Did you read it?
Auschwitz had several subcamps, some of which were designated for work. Not everyone who went to Auschwitz-Birkenau was killed. Many were in forced labor.
I have read Night. It's a book that sticks with you.
Fair enough! Take care. Sorry that you weren’t interested.
I asked if you were and you didn't say yes so I assumed that meant no. I actually am interested, as I said before, in discussing. I said though that I'm not interested in having a one sided conversation with someone who assumes my thoughts before I have a chance to respond.
I'll go ahead and answer these. And if you like, and want to be an adult about it, I will again offer to respond to your original comment if you want to have an actual conversation instead of one where you just answer questions for me, because if you choose to act this way still then it'd be clear that you're not interested in being an adult and I'm just gonna lose interest. Again, let me know, but otherwise I'm probably not gonna respond with anything serious. Anyway, here's me taking the serious parts of your comment and answering them:
Surviving a concentration camp isn't based on skill. so I'm not sure I follow this question. He was placed in a labor camp. These weren't people who were treated well, but they weren't all just killed. While the prisoners were alive they did forced labor, so they were kept alive as long as they had use to the german soldiers. He was also moved around to a few camps
Night isn't a story that's supposed to be a history lesson, but a firsthand account of events. He told the story primarily from his own teenaged perspective. As one can assume, a prisoner who saw the gas chambers was more than likely killed, so it's not hard to understand why his firsthand accounts never included a trip through the gas chamber.
He does make several references to the crematoriums (where you can see smoke and smell the burning) though where the bodies were burned, and the mass gravesites (that he walked past).
Genuine question though, I'm not trying to be a dick. Did you read it?
Nope. I’m not
Auschwitz had several subcamps, some of which were designated for work. Not everyone who went to Auschwitz-Birkenau was killed. Many were in forced labor.
I have read Night. It's a book that sticks with you.
Have you read it?