Yeah - seeing it too. There are some large accounts on Telegram that purport to be supporters of Q's mission who have devoted time to telling their huge audience that Q posts cannot be decoded and were never for the anons anyways. In other words: nothing to see here.
Folks can follow who they want, but at least be aware that what those accounts are saying is completely false. What they are doing is pulling people from paying any attention to Q and replacing Q with themselves. One makes a rather large deal about making no money as though that alone confers trustworthiness and attacks other Q content creators nonstop. Gee, I wonder why?
Yeah - seeing it too. There are some large accounts on Telegram that purport to be supporters of Q's mission who have devoted time to telling their huge audience that Q posts cannot be decoded and were never for the anons anyways. In other words: nothing to see here.
Folks can follow who they want, but at least be aware that what those accounts are saying is completely false. What they are doing is pulling people from paying any attention to Q and replacing Q with themselves. One makes a rather large deal about making no money as though that alone confers trustworthiness and attacks other Q content creators nonstop. Gee, I wonder why?