So Trump has been pushing the vax & taking credit for rushing Operation Warp Speed, right? This has left many in our community wondering why he would do that. What if he's "tanking" or "holding aggro" (for the non-gamers, he's drawing fire from the enemy). But I mean, he's legitimately taking this one for the history books... What if his intent is to be the main defendant in the Nuremburg 2.0 trials??
Think about it - hugely public & global trials regarding harmful vaccines which were "rushed by order of the president of the USA" and he was encouraging people to get it. The history books will paint him as Hitler 2.0, being responsible for harming people who trusted the vaxs (mostly lefties, his enemies). The strategy could be that even the left will jump on board blaming Trump and "crucifying" him for these crimes against humanity. It might be the case that he's able to take down a lot of other players with the evidence, but what if the "self-sacrifice" strategy is the fastest way to bring this to an end where everyone agrees on the result? (WWG1WGA, Great Awakening)
very good points, and I agree that we'd be screwed without the speed of delivery (plus EUA for 100% guarantee of individual choice/consent) . But I think this doesn't exclude my theory. Even if vax injuries are over-stated in non-MSM sources (I'm not making this claim), you KNOW that the cabal would jump on ANY opportunity/vulnerability to get rid of Trump, and if they could make him the scapegoat at the same time? It's too tempting of a trap, if you ask me.
What's tempting is this 'Trump first arrest' narrative. No foundation and smells like TDS but keeps on coming. If this were true it would mean the military is not in control which would demotivate a whole lot of people. Black pill.
unless it's all just a show, and he's not really in any legal danger. but yeah, I get your point