So Trump has been pushing the vax & taking credit for rushing Operation Warp Speed, right? This has left many in our community wondering why he would do that. What if he's "tanking" or "holding aggro" (for the non-gamers, he's drawing fire from the enemy). But I mean, he's legitimately taking this one for the history books... What if his intent is to be the main defendant in the Nuremburg 2.0 trials??
Think about it - hugely public & global trials regarding harmful vaccines which were "rushed by order of the president of the USA" and he was encouraging people to get it. The history books will paint him as Hitler 2.0, being responsible for harming people who trusted the vaxs (mostly lefties, his enemies). The strategy could be that even the left will jump on board blaming Trump and "crucifying" him for these crimes against humanity. It might be the case that he's able to take down a lot of other players with the evidence, but what if the "self-sacrifice" strategy is the fastest way to bring this to an end where everyone agrees on the result? (WWG1WGA, Great Awakening)
Me either NO jab. I do hope this DJT push for the vaxx gets cleared up ..I understand The whole get it out so it’s voluntary, not mandatory, and get the country opened, undo the planned forever lockdown, this makes sense , BUT once it was out you’d think the job was done and he’d let it ride , but our President keeps pushing it calling it a miracle and advising everyone even his base to get it . This part doesn't make sense, however, I love him , respect him and I’ll follow his plan , I’ll even follow him to the gates of hell, but if there is a syringe waiting for me when we get there , I’m out! Lol The plan is true and DJT knows what he’s doing, so I will keep believing and someday soon will understand why far as it not being dangerous 100 percent wrong , it’s beyond a death jab, I personally know people who were affected , one died and two hemorrhaging in the brain! Tried to talk them out of it , but brainwashing is thick!
Perhaps Trump is counting on Patriots to use critical thinking and stay away from the vaccine like many are espousing while the left is clamoring for it because of their induced fear. This way they get a real dose of what the Cabal is doing and can come to the truth through their experiences not us telling them. Imagine how many lefties are googling about the effects of the vaccine after they, a loved one or friend has adverse effects. From there, hopefully they will ask more questions and get red pilled. I’m sure there will be casualties from our side as well.
This Vaxx poison is going to blow up , I’m praying that they don’t try to pin this crap on our president ..I can hear it now ,,he took credit for it ..he pushed it ..Im never going to take it but I kind of wish DJT would back up because it will be revealed it’s killing people and they will try to blame him ..he has been through enough horror