What if we find out HIV was also manufactured in a lab?
The "patient zero" pilot story sounded like BS to me even at the time. Thoughts?
In fact, HIV doesn't cause AIDS. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome was an invention of Robert Gallo and Anthony Fauci. HIV has violated Koch's postulates since its discovery if we're to believe it really does cause AIDS.
According to Dr. Peter Duesberg, the man who discovered retroviruses, the immune deficiencies didn't come from AIDS. They came from "poppers" abuse (amyl and butyl nitrite which was sniffed for erections and enhanced pleasure in gay bathhouses across the country), IV drug use, and anal sex with hundreds of partners a year. When enough people were scared and looking for a cure, Gallo and Fauci introduced AZT as a "treatment" for HIV/AIDS. AZT likely killed millions of Americans.
His hypothesis is that HIV was simply a marker for risky behavior and had nothing to do with the actual symptoms which would be identified as AIDS .
Read all about Dr. Peter Duesberg and his fight against Gallo and Fauci here-
Thanks I will read.