I kind of just don't get it.
The cures were already there. They were suppressing those supplements but Trump shouldn't have just let them suppress them. He should have fought to keep them available and let everyone get access to them.
If he had just done that, we would have been much better off instead of pointless vaccines that don't even work in terms of fighting off covid.
I'm not sure why he didn't just blow up the covid scam, expose the fact that China released it on purpose, and put the country on HCQ and Ivermectin, encourage everyone to do away with masks and lockdowns, while acknowledging that there was never a need for vaccines in the first place. For some reason, he decided to go along with the narrative..
Not firing Fauci cost him the election, I think.
What's extremely ironic is that Trump has shown to be a very pro-life individual. Yet, these vaccines have sterilized and killed people before, and many believe it's a depopulation tool. Either Trump doesn't know the truth about what these vaccines really do, or he does but he can't speak out about it because Kushner or someone else has him by the balls or something, and could be suppressing the information from him. If that's the case then he seriously needs to kick Kushner the fuck out of his political circle. Kushner is causing him to lose.
Another ironic thing is that way back then, he commented on how children have gotten autism and other things from vaccines!
He still shills for these vaccines despite all the problems we've seen. I feel like there's going to be a point where he can't publicly ignore the vaccine's problems anymore.
Many people have said he might be apart of the swamp because of him shilling for the vaccine. I wouldn't go that far, because the swamp would be easier on him if that was the case.
To take away the DS means of keeping the world shut down indefinitely. He did what he had to do...
Yep. But don't you remember back when President Trump suggested HCQ? The MSM went nuts and the DS went so far as to publish false medical articles about the dangers of HCQ. Pharmacists were refusing to fill prescriptions for the drug if you could even find a doctor who would prescribe it. Doctors who went against the narrative were fired and threatened with license revocation (hence American's Frontline Doctors was born). To this day my daughter, a pharmacist insists that HCQ is "dirty" because of it's apparent side effects. I asked her to provide me with the studies on this and she couldn't...basically she's parroting what she's been told but hasn't done the research herself.
Do people really have such short memories?
"The MSM went nuts and...."
--If the "patriots are in control", then the MSM had been tamed (at least at the ownership level). The OP's point stands, and this is a major incongruity still lacking an adequate answer.
Respectfully, just because one doesn't like the answer, doesn't mean it's not adequate.