Geez, there's going to be a LOT of people stuck with yuge medical bills. They missed the part in the informed consent that they themselves took all the risk, with no liability for pharma or anyone administering the shot.....
"The only current option for people who have suffered COVID vaccine injuries is the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), which turns down most applicants. Fewer than one in 10 people receive compensation after applying."
The injections are an IQ test. She failed hers.
On the plus side, she did not die. On the down side, she will be in debt for life, or have to declare bankruptcy... The moral of the story is: don't fail your IQ test, kids.
Know what's funny. Most people in my extended family are not getting the shot, except for one specific branch. Guess what's smack dab in the middle of said branch? A highly esteemed oncologist and her sister a physiotherapist.
Indoctrinated idiots. Not free thinkers.
The amount of damage it has done in my family. Oh I got the jab cause Elaine did. She's an oncologist, so it must be safe.