posted ago by Ready4it ago by Ready4it +46 / -0

Trump, the military......they all knew what was going to happen. They knew Fauchi was a fraud. They knew the election would be tampered with. They have the technology to listen to any conversation they want to....they didn't need security cams from a mid grade county building.

They knew what was going on from the time it was a plan by the actors.

Masks. Rona. Fauchi.....all were used as a cover and distraction to protect the military assets as they moved about exercising their mission.

Cgi. Fake Clintons. Fake inauguration. Fake oval office......all to keep the keen paying attention and the less keen some time to reflect and wonder how they leaves showed up in January or how the nose fell off the President.

It was all laid out in front of us and it is obviously coming to the conclusion.

Things are shifting hard and fast to the patriots and even left of center democrats are saying enough is enough.

We need to take the time to take this all in as we are fortunate enough to witness one of the greatest political moves in recorded history.

Don't fret, don't waver.... just pay attention to the details the news is not talking about......and most importantly

Enjoy the show.