Let’s say that this all comes true clearly I wish it will. The reality for me is that a couple of low-level Twats Will take the fall and all the big shots with all the money and power will be unscathed. What’s the next step though. We left the British Empire because of Tyranny and now it’s at our doorstep again brought to you by LGBT shit critical race theory BLM etc.. what are we going to do as a society to stop this from happening again. Because if there’s not dramatic and drastic changes made in our fabric there’s 1 billion purple haired social workers drooling for their opportunity
Let’s say that this all comes true clearly I wish it will. The reality for me is that a couple of low-level Twats Will take the fall and all the big shots with all the money and power will be unscathed. What’s the next step though. We left the British Empire because of Tyranny and now it’s at our doorstep again brought to you by LGBT shit critical race theory BLM etc.. what are we going to do as a society to stop this from happening again. Because if there’s not dramatic and drastic changes made in our fabric there’s 1 billion purple haired social workers drooling for their opportunity