Would big pharma embrace a cheap and efiective cure for cancer? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7505114/
Would big oil embrace an easy way to run any gas engine efficiently on nothing but water? No need for turbine generated power plants to generate the electricity to fuel batteries. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsMOFHPjZpo&t=913s
Except there's this whole thing called the inverse square law. That kind of doomed the whole concept of wireless power- some laws can be broken without consequence, physics is not one of those.
You're confusing "closed system" with "open system".
I'm referring to the incident power of an EM field. Closed or Open system doesn't matter. Field strength dissipates by the inverse of the distance squared... so Megawatts become milliwatts after about a thousand yards.