So true. I keep trying to explain to my fellow Christian you don't have to be "kind" to be loving. The Gospel is offensive to many sinners because they don't want to face they are wrong yet preaching the Gospel is the most loving act a Christian can do. Also, many Christians go so far as enabling the sin because they don't want hurt someone's feelings or drive them away. My message is STOP being a doormat.
I feel compelled to say that, perhaps, "nice" would be the term to use rather than "kind." One can be nice (polite) to a person without a second thought. Being kind (caring/loving) toward a person takes initiative and effort. Indeed we as Christians are called to be kind. Nowhere in the Good Book does it say we have to be nice.
They haven't learned our history well. It's not all sunshine and rainbows after the new testament. Byzantium fought off Muslim invaders trying to enter Europe and take white slaves for hundreds of years prior to the Crusades while the rest of Christianity sat on their hands. We are today's Byzantines. It's a thankless job but our duty, nonetheless.
So true. I keep trying to explain to my fellow Christian you don't have to be "kind" to be loving. The Gospel is offensive to many sinners because they don't want to face they are wrong yet preaching the Gospel is the most loving act a Christian can do. Also, many Christians go so far as enabling the sin because they don't want hurt someone's feelings or drive them away. My message is STOP being a doormat.
I feel compelled to say that, perhaps, "nice" would be the term to use rather than "kind." One can be nice (polite) to a person without a second thought. Being kind (caring/loving) toward a person takes initiative and effort. Indeed we as Christians are called to be kind. Nowhere in the Good Book does it say we have to be nice.
They haven't learned our history well. It's not all sunshine and rainbows after the new testament. Byzantium fought off Muslim invaders trying to enter Europe and take white slaves for hundreds of years prior to the Crusades while the rest of Christianity sat on their hands. We are today's Byzantines. It's a thankless job but our duty, nonetheless.