Well, that only took 3 and a 1/2 months! Here's the latest on Pence since his treasonous act against WE, The People and in upholding The Constitution!
- Jan 6, 2021 Pence as president of the senate validates swing state electors' certifications. Jan 6, 2021 Pence receives coin. Link; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIzdt5UY6iU
- Jan 21, 2021 Pence attends Biden Inauguration. Link; https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/pence-attends-biden-inauguration/2021/01/20/9abde02f-d23e-4c85-ad46-6bb58a4f3389_video.html
- April 6, 2021 PENCE GETS MASSIVE BOOK DEAL $3-4 million!! https://www.forbes.com/sites/maddieberg/2021/04/09/the-political-memoir-payouts-continue-how-mike-pences-multimillion-dollar-book-deal-about-trump-years-stacks-up/?sh=27fa86ac139f
- April 7, 2021 Post Vice Presidency, he resides in Northern VA and establishes a political think tank with previous chief of staff. . Link #1; https://wjla.com/news/local/pence-transition-office-northern-virginia Link #2; https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pence-2024-presidential-bid-conservative-group-trump-policies/
- April 15, 2021 Pence undergoes heart/pace-maker surgery . Link; https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mike-pence-pacemaker-implant-surgery/
- May 24, 2021 PENCE PURCHASES NEW HOME. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/mike-karen-pence-purchase-home-183403982.html
- Q posts #s; 3383, 3394 and 4886; 'Disguised under Book Deals', 'Book Deals can be lucrative.' PAY FOR PLAY...I'M JUST CONNECTING SOME DOTS...
Pacemaker?!...More like a KILL SWITCH!
That happened a month and a half ago and I’m just now hearing about it. That’s how irrelevant he is now.