Spreadsheet pdf direct download (FIXED LINK):
Isn't that what was shown? Found it in my files on my old phone, just upgraded. In case you forgot or missed it, pretty big shit. Shows internet pings and/or dings on our election equipment mid election, shows changes to the count as well.
Keep in mind this was as it came out, likely just preliminary findings from what I can recall. About the time when Mike Lindell came out swingin' with his first docu-drop.
In any case, looks like they indeed found even more of the same stuff detailed in that pdf
Sorry if already posted, cain't search.
Use DuckDuckGo to search.
Do this:
site:greatawakening.win <keywords>
site:greatawakening.win Mike Lindell spreadsheet PDF
or whatever you are trying to search as long as you include site:<name of website> and DDG will search on that website, rather than doing a broad search.
Also you mentioned downloading the PDF, but I was only able to download the spreadsheet file (.xlsx)
Must just be the spreadsheet then, my bad