I will start with this image, look at the way President Trump is looking at Fauci. Does Trump look happy with him? https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/06/05/06/43855035-9654203-image-a-24_1622870776624.jpg
I have seen many people ask, "Why would Trump put this corrupt piece of shit like Fauci in charge of the Corona task force?" One word, EXPOSURE!
Put Fauci in the public spotlight early on so he could lay down the web of lies to redirect public attention away from the Wuhan lab theory. President Trump knew the deepstate plan from the very beginning. Now all of Fauci's lies are being exposed which will eventually convict him and many other people for a premeditated pandemic.
Here is the link to a Tucker Carlson segment on Fauci's emails. He does a very good job explaining a lot of the evidence that came out recently. https://rumble.com/vi19cz-dr-fauci-finally-exposed-tucker-carlson-lifts-the-lid-on-the-emails-share-t.html
First, look at the 5:20 mark, watch President Trump's body language as Fauci lies about the origin of covid 19. Notice how he drops his head down like he is analyzing Fauci's statement and starts swaying back and forth, almost like he is thinking we got you, you son of a bitch. At this time, Trump knew where the virus came from, he had the receipts.
Here is the good part, at the 6:30 mark Tucker points out that a email from Peter Daszak was redacted under code B7A. Peter Daszak was the person taking the money at ECOHealth Alliance to do the "gain of function" research at Wuhan. Explanation of code B7A is found here: https://www.justice.gov/oip/foia-guide-2004-edition-exemption-7a It says: "Exemption 7(A), authorizes the withholding of "records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that production of such law enforcement records or information . . . could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings."
Here is the email Tucker was talking about, a large portion of the body of the email is redacted with code B7A. https://insiderpaper.com/peter-daszak-fauci-email-thanked-lab-leak-wuhan/
Essentially, there IS a criminal case being conducted right now. This is why Fauci was brought back to capital hill to testify once again very recently. Fauci perjured himself by claiming there was no "gain of function" research being conducted at Wuhan. My guess is Rand Paul, being that he is a doctor, is assisting in this investigation. He would know the right questions to ask to get Fauci cornered by his own statements. Its not the crime that gets you, its the cover up and lies afterwards that convicts you. I would say President Trump has a airtight case. Very exciting!!!
Stay safe my frens!!!
Gee, no "ChArLiE wArD iS a ShIll" comments yet. To each their own, I like the guy. No one in this movment is right 100% of the time. We are all just trying to put the puzzle together as we go along.
he lost me when he said he had been in direct contact with Q
I can see that haha