Ok, So I may have stumbled onto something potentially vaccine related. And that “mysterious new illness” in Canada.
Yesterday I received a text message to take a US census coronavirus survey I decided to do it. It was pretty normal questions shopping habits / income change etc. but Four questions stood out they were health screening questions The questions were as follows
Do you have difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses? Select one.
Do you have difficulty hearing, even when using a hearing aid? Select one.
Do you have difficulty remembering or concentrating? Select one.
Do you have difficulty walking or climbing stairs? Select one.
I took screen shots of the questions because I found them to be off putting
These questions alarmed me. These are not typical covid screening questions.
My first thought as to why they asked these questions was because I suspected with the knowledge of these spiked proteins that are causing problems with people who got vaccinated
I’m not a doctor but, from what I gather these proteins are conglomerating in organs like the spleen and ovaries. But I also remember that it could pass the brain blood barrier. If proteins get misfolded this could Potentially cause prions.
Okay, so I looked up symptoms to prions and found that mobility issues, and dementia are common symptoms. I also know if certain proteins start to build up in your Eye it could cause blurred vision
So I started to do my research because my screenshot I posted were not getting much Attention I went to the us census website and found you could actually download the data and it had a list of the questions and answers you could respond with.
These four new questions have only been introduced in the last two surveys. That is the difference between phase 3 PUF vs Phase 3.1 PUF.
I attempted to make some charts but my excel skills are awful any data guys want to take a look at this it and make some charts I would be interested what you find
this morning I woke up and was going through the news platforms as I always do. And stumbled upon this
This article seemed so strange but when I read the words
“ Visual and auditory hallucinations, memory loss, difficulty walking and balance issues are among the symptoms of the mysterious condition, which is reported to have killed six patients thus far” After a quick search It has become apparent. They have been putting this predictive programming out since around February.
More articles
I think this new Mystery illness is being caused by the vaccines New Brunswick had a huge push for vaccines
vaccines are causing protein build ups.
protein build ups can cause prions.
prions could be dormant for years.
The census is screening for this illness for some reason ?
why ?
This is still a working theory but I want to bring it to someone’s attention.
EDIT: thanks for my first sticky mods some other anons provided me some links I would like to share
" prions are a definite possibility of both the virus and the vaccines. Because of the science paper:
So if this hold true we have a prion making structure in the virus. Now which structure could be making it?
The nest 2 papers indicate it might be the Spike Protein.
https://scivisionpub.com/pdfs/covid19-rna-based-vaccines-and-the-risk-of-prion-disease-1503.pdf "
Please check out my new post A Petition for the Freedom of Information of the Events Taken During the Pandemic.
Have you looked into magnesium deficiency? There could be a connection between that and tinnitus like issues, among other things.
Check out Cilantro/Chlorella/Spirulina for heavy meta detox. You need the combo as cilantro (particularly in concentrated oil form) pulls metals into your bloodstream and Chlorella/Spirulina bind to the metals and help your body get rid of them. Cilantro on its own will just fill your system with the accumulated heavy metals and cause toxicity issues by pulling the crap out- you need chlorella in particular to get the garbage out of your system. The biggest offenders that these are tested to be effective on are Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, and Aluminum.
There are a ton of studies done on these ingredients on the pubmed.nih.gov website, it’s just a taxpayer-funded repository of information, but it’s helpful for finding data to help make informed health decisions. Here’s one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6523211/
Here’s a dosing guide (not NIH, just similar name): https://www.nihadc.com/library/detox-for-life-class-2-addit-resources/54-4-dosing-with-chlorella/file.html?accept_license=1
Cilantro in particular is quite potent, the combination does exactly what the customer reviews on Amazon say it does, I personally no longer get dizzy spinning around or standing up quickly and it only took about a week. I have over 100 cavities, so I probably need a much longer detox personally, I also have a large pineal cyst/calcified pineal gland confirmed by CT Scan, and algae helps with fluoride detox as well. I started dreaming again after I started my detox, and hadn’t for 20 years.
It’s just something to consider, and always talk to your doctor before trying something new. Although if they’re trying to sell you on this idiotic vaccine, it’s time to find a new doctor who actually pays attention.
If you have metal fillings you might want to be careful with the cilantro, as I've read it can cause mercury vapors in your mouth while chewing.