I want some help. Me and a friend gotten into a big argument about the poisonous vax. One article I posted to him is the 18 reason article and he posted this piece of fake news:
I know snopes is bad news, but I would like some help in debunking the snopes article since they are known peddlers of falsehood. Specifically, I need help in taking apart and debunking each specific rebuttal they have made.
Bonus points to anyone who can also prove that Snopes are known liars.
Covid-19- No more deadlier than common flu. Why take an experimental vaccine (ZERO long term data) for this weak ass virus?
Not full FDA approval, VERY important. Not a traditional vaccine, mRNA (again, different).
MODERNA has never successfully brought an mRNA vaccine (not a vaccine) to market with FULL FDA approval.
This was NOT a pandemic (see above).
Look at Fauci's own back and forth position on how to deal with this HOAX of a virus (man made - research gain of function).
ZERO liability for Pharma is vaccine (not a vaccine) goes south (people dying).
Ask them this simple question, 'would you willingly take a shot that has zero long term data with questionable efficacy, to combat a virus that is no more deadlier than the common flu, and the people promoting this shot are not Pharmaceutical company's, but Hollywood actors, politicians, corrupt Physicians, your neighbors, your friends and even your family members who are not qualified to even remotely tell you which drug to take for erectile disfunction???'
Tell them to wake the fuck up.