This guy, David Pakman, is the pure exemple of the normie left. He is basically wrong about everything, that's why I follow him, to be sure about what NOT to think. I'm looking forward to see his face when he will have to admit how wrong he was. Anyway 20 % is higher than I thought. Hopefully it will be 94 % in less than one year ( Q told us that between 4 and 6 % won't be able to be saved).
Oh, goodness. Another poster boy for half-wit liberalism. I especially liked when he decried those raycist, right-wing conspiracy theorists selling things on their public platforms right before he launched into his advertiser-paid spiel. Bravo, little pac-man, you just displayed your cognitive dissonance so clearly that even some of the brainwashed sheep probably started to awaken.
The poor schlub probably doesn’t know any better; he looks to be one of those half-wit soy-boyz who went through his liberal-marxist college indoctrination programs with flying colors to earn his non-thinking, non-reasoning, never researching just obeying degree.
You hit that center-target, OP, a stereotypical leftist who will be shocked when the storm takes out all his little idols.