The private AMA. Same as the legal BAR of any state. All private corporations. Lawyers are dumb as most of the belong to a state bar that the state doesn't run and is a private corporation. May as well be a masons lodge. There is no direct licensing of a lawyer by a corporate state. Both have equal footi g under this bullshit incorporated states. Met a few lawyers that k ow this and a couple if judges but most are just dumb greedy assholes who are as slimy as we always thought they were. The entire legal system needs a me over.
The private AMA. Same as the legal BAR of any state. All private corporations. Lawyers are dumb as most of the belong to a state bar that the state doesn't run and is a private corporation. May as well be a masons lodge. There is no direct licensing of a lawyer by a corporate state. Both have equal footi g under this bullshit incorporated states. Met a few lawyers that k ow this and a couple if judges but most are just dumb greedy assholes who are as slimy as we always thought they were. The entire legal system needs a me over.
Well said...