Again, good job! This side-by-side shows a LITTLE more believable facial symmetry than the Obama comparison, but it's still off significantly enough to reveal that it's two different people. I hear that Joe had a face lift sometime in the recent past, and that MIGHT account for the different levels of the ears, but the other features -- the cleft chin vs. no cleft chin, nose shape, and eye placement -- are dead giveaways. Thanks again for posting these.... good stuff!
Again, good job! This side-by-side shows a LITTLE more believable facial symmetry than the Obama comparison, but it's still off significantly enough to reveal that it's two different people. I hear that Joe had a face lift sometime in the recent past, and that MIGHT account for the different levels of the ears, but the other features -- the cleft chin vs. no cleft chin, nose shape, and eye placement -- are dead giveaways. Thanks again for posting these.... good stuff!