On your travels down the rabbit hole, don't forget Empress Elizabeth, a.k.a. Sisi. She was the Princess Diana of her day and was quite an interesting character. Sisi was murdered when she was 60. The details surrounding her murder are intriguing and hint that there may be more to it than the accepted narrative.
Well, what do you know? I was in Vienna in 2008, so I went back and looked at the photos I took. I have several shots of the "Epstein Temple" architecture. There is actually another almost-identical alcove with a statue of a man with a sword above a scene that includes an eagle, snake, and three men.
The alcove statues are quite large. The human figures are greater than lifesize. I have one photo with a man standing in front of one of the alcoves. As a rough estimate, it's about three times taller than the man standing in front.
On your travels down the rabbit hole, don't forget Empress Elizabeth, a.k.a. Sisi. She was the Princess Diana of her day and was quite an interesting character. Sisi was murdered when she was 60. The details surrounding her murder are intriguing and hint that there may be more to it than the accepted narrative.
Well, what do you know? I was in Vienna in 2008, so I went back and looked at the photos I took. I have several shots of the "Epstein Temple" architecture. There is actually another almost-identical alcove with a statue of a man with a sword above a scene that includes an eagle, snake, and three men.
The alcove statues are quite large. The human figures are greater than lifesize. I have one photo with a man standing in front of one of the alcoves. As a rough estimate, it's about three times taller than the man standing in front.