Yea that would make sense. I wonder if she will live long enough to be deposed or if she can be held in custody? I dont really know how depositions work but I would think this may be one of the most important depositions ever recorded. She gone sing like a free bird. I mean shit she already told on herself with her own videos.
Lol no kidding ..making videos ..she makes dumb look good .. What do you think accident , vacuuming and the cord got wrapped around a door knob , fell off a high building while sun bathing, shot when random robbery went wrong , accidental overdose of prescription drugs, or it will be July ..freak accident when fireworks exploded ?
Yea that would make sense. I wonder if she will live long enough to be deposed or if she can be held in custody? I dont really know how depositions work but I would think this may be one of the most important depositions ever recorded. She gone sing like a free bird. I mean shit she already told on herself with her own videos.
Lol no kidding ..making videos ..she makes dumb look good .. What do you think accident , vacuuming and the cord got wrapped around a door knob , fell off a high building while sun bathing, shot when random robbery went wrong , accidental overdose of prescription drugs, or it will be July ..freak accident when fireworks exploded ?
LOL! You're too funny sometimes. Since they're in GA, death by fiery crash?
Ha ha you’re right fk the old mafia days would have loved this excuse