I found out I was pregnant back on January 15th, I had a miscarriage at 11 weeks, apparently it was an atopic ectopic pregnancy and the baby died inside me at 9 weeks, but my body started reacting 2 weeks later. Because it was "early" during the pregnancy my doctor gave me a pill to induce labor aka abortion to clean my uterus from the baby's body.
It was the most painful (physical and emotional) experience in my whole life and while I was at home suffering the pain and expulsing my baby in chunk of blood, I couldn't understand how there are women that willingly go thru that. I was devastated and my husband didn't know how to help me, but being there.
Most liberal women will take it the day after, that’s why they have it. I’m not saying it’s right, but that’s the reason why they call it the day after pill. If there’s any doubt that your birth control is not working, or a condom ripped, or you weren’t taking birth control, you can get a prescription from your doctor and take it to make sure. I don’t think they actually prescribed a pill for what happened in your case, except for what happened in your case, that the baby was already dead. But I’m not 100% on that.
I think my daughter is actually used it before, but she doesn’t want to have children and she never has. But at least she takes the precautions needed to make sure she doesn’t get pregnant. So I’m not exactly sure why she had to do that. But to be perfectly honest, she is a diehard liberal, we sent her to college, and unfortunately she’s a socialist commie now and it breaks my heart. But to be perfectly honest… It’s so much better for these people to not have children. We would both be at each other‘s throat‘s on how to raise the child, and I would be teaching that child about Jesus just like I did my daughter. My only hope is that she will return to the ways of the Lord. I keep praying for that.
But as for you, I am so sorry that you had to go through that. That is a horrific experience, and because you actually love your husband and you love to hear baby, it was heart wrenching and a horrific experience for you. I’ll be praying for you and hoping that the Lord will bless you with a child again and it will go for full-term.
On a sidenote… I knew a girl, and she was pregnant, and she said she was having a bunch of pain and stuff. I drew a bath for her so she could go in the bathtub and just try to relax and think everything was going to be OK. She actually passed the dead baby in our toilet. I had to scoop it out and put it into a Tupperware container and take it to the hospital with her. It was one of the most horrific experiences I ever went through, and I had to well meant to the Lord because I was freaking out. But I did what I had to do for my friend to make sure everything was OK with her after that happened. The people at the ER you’re heartless, we stood there with a bag with a dead baby unit, and nobody even took it until we asked them to. That’s how messed up up The medical industry is.
I still remember that to this day, and it’s been over 12 years ago. And just think they’re abortion clinics that do this every day hundred today, and they go home and make dinner and eat and sleep and come back and do it again. We are in big trouble as a nation, and I’m not surprise things have turned out the way they have. How can God bless the country when we’re murdering children like we do every day.
May God fully bless you with a full term baby, and whatever you do don’t send your child to college, because I’ll just indoctrinate him or her.