I found out I was pregnant back on January 15th, I had a miscarriage at 11 weeks, apparently it was an atopic ectopic pregnancy and the baby died inside me at 9 weeks, but my body started reacting 2 weeks later. Because it was "early" during the pregnancy my doctor gave me a pill to induce labor aka abortion to clean my uterus from the baby's body.
It was the most painful (physical and emotional) experience in my whole life and while I was at home suffering the pain and expulsing my baby in chunk of blood, I couldn't understand how there are women that willingly go thru that. I was devastated and my husband didn't know how to help me, but being there.
In high-school the morning after pill was a staple sadly. I was close to a chick that went for the pill weekly. They eventually wouldn't give it to her because they said it would cause permanent damage. She had an older boyfriend for years and I think he was doing it on purpose to try and keep her. Piece of shit wouldn't even take her, she would call me (her best friend was my girlfriend.) Even the teachers made it seem like no big deal. They promoted it instead of telling her to stop banging that dirtbag. Yea I regret it but I was also young and dumb.