1:12:20 Question to Dazsek's colleague and Dazsek.
1:15:47 Dazsek's answer (this National Pulse clip)
1:18:47 Interesting question to W. Ian Lipkin about biohacking and man-made pandemics. Said doesn't feel there's big risk of man-made bio weapon--it's easier to find it in nature.
If you want a more direct source.
CSPAN Video: https://www.c-span.org/video/?404875-1/pandemics
1:12:20 Question to Dazsek's colleague and Dazsek.
1:15:47 Dazsek's answer (this National Pulse clip)
1:18:47 Interesting question to W. Ian Lipkin about biohacking and man-made pandemics. Said doesn't feel there's big risk of man-made bio weapon--it's easier to find it in nature.