... seems like a message directly from the white hats, hahahaha.
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Come back to post and read further down the thread...
Got it, thanks.
Would you be able to share with a tired fren what you discovered? I’ve read all the comments but don’t really understand... is it trying to imply that the White House has a bunch of names that are the same now as in the past? TIA!
The writer of the comment told me to scroll to the bottom to read his comment. I replied that I've got it, should've said found it instead because I'm as bamboozled as you as to what it means, still can't figure it out! Sorry to be of no help.
No problems, mate.
Point of original poster is synchronicity of the two Senators KENNEDY and WHITEHOUSE as authors of a letter requesting information from the Attorney General and U.S. Marshal's Service, for, among other things, the travel of the Supreme Court justices. On the surface the narrative being built coincides with the name John Roberts showing up on the passenger flight logs of Epstein's Lolita Express... hinting that John Roberts, Chief Justice, had something to do with Jeffery Epstein (which may have involved either something Pedo or Robert's adoption of two (I think I recall) Irish boys.
However, there is a more subtle potentiality in there being a connection to the Kennedy White House and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. There has been a kind of mnemonic historic echolocation of names (similar to those prominent at the time and implicated somehow in) the assassination or the investigation after.
Things came to a narrative crescendo during the Mueller Investigation of the alleged Trump campaign's 2016 collusion with Russia, when, if I am recalling the time correctly, in mid 2018, President Trump was dissuaded by Rod Rosenstein (Deputy Attorney General at the time), speaking on behalf of the FBI and the CIA, from releasing the last of the classified information about the Kennedy assassination, something Trump had been, more or less, threatening to do. That conversation took place aboard AF1. Trump announced that he would hold off for 6 months, but never released the information.
So, Kennedy (assassinated president), White House (office of the presidency and residence), the letter is implicating John Roberts, the Chief Justice (Chief Justice Earl Warren headed the investigation of the assassination concluding LHO was a lone gunman.
Direct and oblique references to the assassination are near constant if that is your filter on these kinds of things.
Here is a little more to chew on from a historical perspective, pay particular attention to the dates...
Holborn memo to Kennedy, September 27, 1962:
(pages 30 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 )
General Julius Klein subject of secret senate and White House investigation...
NOVEMBER 19,20,21, 1963
Culmination of the secret investigation of General Julius Klein is this "hearing" (actually attempt to drag Klein into the light and expose his corruption of senators, representatives, and military officers).
And to bring the Chief Justice Earl Warren into the spider web:
The back story on the Klein / Warren connection goes back to Warren's election as governor of California and Klein's spying for J. Edgar Hoover at the direct request of President Roosevelt.
The Covert Fund?
Q, anyone?
And if you have gone down the rabbit hole this far... watch this:
Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr. / August 22, 1966
Senator Dodd and General Klein
https://youtu.be/mKNNxsg-aC0 (48:33)
After all that, reconsider this Q drop:
It’s all good! I actually less alone knowing I’m not the only once confused. :) thanks, fren! Hopefully it makes sense for us both soon.
ww1wga19... come back to post and read further down the thread
I see it now. I don’t know why the comment in the middle wasn’t showing up for me before. Thanks.
I did. That’s why I asked my question; I am having trouble connecting the dots and wondered if someone smarter than me in this area would be willing to help me understand. I am wondering if it just means “look at the similarity of names in the White House then compared to the names now” or if there is more to it than that. If that is what it means, is that trying to prove a cabal connection? Or some other purpose? I’m trying my best here but I need some help decoding this.