The end of the mayan calendar co-coinciding with the end of manipulating the future with looking glass portals. From that day on all futures on all looking glass timelines led to one conclusion, a great awakening of mankind and the return of God.
A anon on 4chan wondering about why pizza was mentioned a in Anthony's laptop.
The war is not over yet, don't count your chickens....
The day the earth rang like a bell, a hundred years to the day of the end of WW1
The end of the mayan calendar co-coinciding with the end of manipulating the future with looking glass portals. From that day on all futures on all looking glass timelines led to one conclusion, a great awakening of mankind and the return of God.
A anon on 4chan wondering about why pizza was mentioned a in Anthony's laptop.
The war is not over yet, don't count your chickens.... ]