Just a heads up, there are graphic photos in these documentaries.
Europa https://www.bitchute.com/video/s1nPYDj7KBEQ/
Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv/ (Scroll down the page and you will see the videos for the documentary.)
I think it's a good idea to watch these documentaries with an open mind and forget everything you know about World War 1 and 2.
These documentaries explain that Hitler was demonized because he removed the Rothschild banking control from Germany and turned it back into a prosperous nation. In addition, the Holocaust was used as a propaganda to further demonize the Germans https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/
Sadly, some people do have that impression of Hitler because they have either forgotten their history, or were never taught it.
Hitler was not a German. He was born in Austria, He was a foreign imposter to Germany, and assumed political command over its people with foreign aide from the likes of Prescott Bush, and others, and the use of propaganda, and violence. Real Germans hated him, and he killed them for it.
He didn't "fight" in the great war. He was a runner- he ran during the war. And miraculously he won an award, the highest award in all of Germany...for running.