One of the strongest white-hat indicators there are. The head of such a infamous and wide-reaching federal agency just vanishes without a trace and media is silent on the matter? Conspicuous by its absence, which tells you that Gina probably met an end they dont want anyone to know about.
Can one file a FOIA request on a person? Maybe asking if she still receives any checks from the government or has a security detail assigned to her might be a way to get some info released?
That web site seems odd, a strange list of people but it isn't like anyone can post an obit. Wonder what's up with that, if they just post whatever someone emails them. Web site also has sample pages on the bottom, as if they only partially built it. Suspect its authenticity.
"CIA spokesperson Nicole de Haay told Reuters via email: ““Well…this is the most absurd inquiry I’ve ever addressed, but I’m happy to tell you that Director Haspel is alive and well and at the office.”"
so, no one at the fact check division got to actually see/talk to Gina at any point? Just, going by the spokesperson saying "she's alive". Weird way to 'debunk' a claim that someone is missing, eh? You kinda figure you'd want to find the actual person before you declare proof.
One of the strongest white-hat indicators there are. The head of such a infamous and wide-reaching federal agency just vanishes without a trace and media is silent on the matter? Conspicuous by its absence, which tells you that Gina probably met an end they dont want anyone to know about.
Can one file a FOIA request on a person? Maybe asking if she still receives any checks from the government or has a security detail assigned to her might be a way to get some info released?
Even if one could, it would be [REDACTED]
When have any of these DS fuckwits EVER not gone on CNN to bash Trump? Gina I hope you flipped or are being water boarded until you confess
Help me out here. I thought we read her hometown obituary:
That web site seems odd, a strange list of people but it isn't like anyone can post an obit. Wonder what's up with that, if they just post whatever someone emails them. Web site also has sample pages on the bottom, as if they only partially built it. Suspect its authenticity.
Here's a weird long history/article/resume of Haskell from Mockingbird Fox published in March 2021, but no new info, just rehashed info
Reuters says she's alive and well, and her arrest/death is just a crazy QAnon conspiracy.
lol this is so interesting..
"CIA spokesperson Nicole de Haay told Reuters via email: ““Well…this is the most absurd inquiry I’ve ever addressed, but I’m happy to tell you that Director Haspel is alive and well and at the office.”"
so, no one at the fact check division got to actually see/talk to Gina at any point? Just, going by the spokesperson saying "she's alive". Weird way to 'debunk' a claim that someone is missing, eh? You kinda figure you'd want to find the actual person before you declare proof.
YEP, I searched for hours a few months ago and couldn't find anything but that PR piece which does seemssketchy.
Not looking good for Gina.