Excellent write-up. It touched on the aspects of biological, technological, economic, and informational warfare techniques. Also inferred ( my part is basically an add-on) another aspect which needs some minor highlighting, psychological warfare:
Taking the above info into account creates an environment to shape peoples perception through literal pysops like Mockingbird, etc, narratives designed to mentally wear people down, break their will, shaming/smearing, division/isolation, create captor/captive style environments, and ultimately coercing people to choices they wouldn't normally make. What makes it so insidious is the guise of "being for your own safety".
Excellent write-up. It touched on the aspects of biological, technological, economic, and informational warfare techniques. Also inferred ( my part is basically an add-on) another aspect which needs some minor highlighting, psychological warfare: Taking the above info into account creates an environment to shape peoples perception through literal pysops like Mockingbird, etc, narratives designed to mentally wear people down, break their will, shaming/smearing, division/isolation, create captor/captive style environments, and ultimately coercing people to choices they wouldn't normally make. What makes it so insidious is the guise of "being for your own safety".
Yup, and ty