Data from the Vaccine Safety Datalink, which comes from nine healthcare groups that have collectively administered over 8.8 million doses—only some 284,000 of those have been given to 12- to 17-year-olds—did not indicate safety concerns, with just 60 myocarditis or pericarditis events reported through May 29
That’s a 1 in 4733 change of getting myocarditis for such young ones not at risk of covid at all. And that’s if we believe the reported numbers. Assuming the 1% under-reported aspect the odds shift to 1 in 47
This is gonna be the tipping point
My wife just went behind my back and got the j and j shot a week ago and didn't tell me. ?
Doesn't matter , they'll keep pushing it --- way too much invested now
That’s a 1 in 4733 change of getting myocarditis for such young ones not at risk of covid at all. And that’s if we believe the reported numbers. Assuming the 1% under-reported aspect the odds shift to 1 in 47
Reminds me of Passover
Thanks for sharing the link op!