Anyone know/have info on if there is a link between these stupid spike proteins and why my seasonal allergies are relentless this year for some reason?
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My sinuses and asthma have been acting up relentless since around January. Starting to get better. I'm home all day and my girl did not get vaxxed. I'm never around vaxxed people.
mine have been horrible this season in Spokane and the funny thing is that we've had almost zero rain. We went from snow to drought.
it's been cold here too. We had a few days in the high 80s last week but other than that i've been running heaters in the house every day
I just go to Dr. Widefinger.
He cleans allergies out of your system in one office visit.
Does he use NAET.
Get a neti pot or one of the upside bottles on amazon. Saline rinse your nose once or twice a week.
Mine too! Off the wall!!
Terrible in AZ. I don’t usually give my kids anything but homeopathic meds but I had to give Claritin almost everyday for a month. Their allergies were awful and they had to wear those stupid masks.
Omg - mine too !! I've had eczema all my life and this is the worst ever !! I've had different rashes on my body too where I never had a problem before. ?
I have psoriasis and I’m kind of in the same boat with my symptoms. All this uncertainty about the vaccine and vaccinated spike proteins floating around has me thinking there may be something with it since allergies are an incorrect response to the protein in the allergen
Close to a vaxed person lately? That sounds like the sheeding or transmission the vax makers talk about.
Try some Angels Colloidal Silver Cream on your eczema. Stuff works great for skin aliments.
Thank you - how kind of you ? I will look it up and purchase it. God bless you always. ?
Wait a minute!! I just put 2 and 2 together. I visited my brothers house on Saturday everyone there was vax'd. Sunday I got terribly sick , cough,head cold, headache, sneezing running nose and I have been sick all week! Finally starting to feel better. Do you think it had anything to do with being around them??. I huge them all twice, I mean they are my family and they are conservatives but have been feared into getting the Vax.
I can’t say for sure if that is what happened when you visited but I went through similar thing when my parents a co workers got the shot. I agree with the science articles I have read that say “shedding” is real. (Some interesting posts about Ivermectin if you’re new to the research on the spike proteins, shedding, etc to read for hopium.)
Thanks, Not new to the research I have heard of the shedding too, but it didn't cross my mind about how I got sick until I was reading this post. It came out of the blue and hit hard right out of the gate. I was at my doctor on Wed and of course he asked if I got the shot and asked why and I gave him an earful of facts ( thanks to everyone on here) his response was "well you certainly have done your research, I have a lot of other patients that won't get it too, but their only reason they give me is they don't trust it. I won't try to convince you to get it because clearly you know the reasons why you won't get it and I respect that. " It was amazing that he didn't try to dismiss my facts I gave him about it and he nodded at most. The only thing he said was that "vaccines take so long, sometimes it's for the better to get then out fast. " I said to that , " for something that is 99.99 survival rate, we are gonna inject ourselves with something that does more damage to our bodies and either kill us right away or eventually? That's when he said , " like I said I just have to give you my recommendation because of your health ( asthma, COPD) I said well, "I have the best doctor and I trust that you would keep me alive if I get covid" he smiled and said I sure will... Sorry for the long story, but please give me any links you have on it I love knowing as much as possible and always having resources to refer too I couldn’t find the article I read about cytokine “storms”, believe is what they call it, but this is the site I read a few articles on a ways back. Took a quick look to search for what I read but there seems to be a lot more research available. If you haven’t read about the cytokine storms it is interesting (in a bad way). This explains the science of what can happen when your body attacks it own organs and how a spike protein could trigger this reaction. Hopefully this will help, but even if you don’t go down that rabbit hole of research that site seems to have a lot of resources now.
Thanks so.much!
And how do you come to this fuckin rocket science conclusion?? Did OP say they were indoors a lot? Maybe there’s more to it. Not everyone was locked down. My life activities has not been effected 1oz by cv19. I’m sure I’m not the only one. However I ha e personal and antidotal evidence of the same experience.
That is all false about my situation I haven’t confined myself at all and work out regularly and walk about 10 miles a day and constantly am lifting so to be polite you are talking out your butt
Mr. Know-It-All. ???