You'd quickly adjust.
There is plenty of good farmland available in Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas in areas where people wouldn't even think about high walls or burglar bars or security systems. The only need for electric fencing would be to keep the wild hogs from raiding the farm fields.
If Trump offers... and especially if highly productive farmland is reclaimed by the US government from Bill Gates or China, and made available to farmers from South Africa to relocate... then I'd seriously consider.
If you visit many family farms in the U.S.A., you'd notice that most never even lock the door to the house at night. They don't have burglar bars or cameras... and would never even consider hiring armed security.
If Trump makes the offer, South African farmers should consider moving to the U.S.A. and taking over farmland provided for their relocation. Then you could sleep safely at night.
Europe is stunned that the U.S. didn't include the EU in negotiations on Ukraine / Russia... and that JD didn't even mention Ukraine in his speech.
As a reminder, Ukraine is only an EU CANDIDATE country. On Dec 14 2023, the European Council decided to open accession negotiations with Ukraine.
Since Ukraine is NOT an EU country, the U.S. doesn't need to include the EU in any Ukraine discussions. :>)
If Britain owes us money... take Scotland in payment.
Only 5.8% of South Africa’s population is paying about 92% of all personal tax in the country, and roughly 85% of all value-added tax.
South Africa has only 7 million taxpayers out of a population of 60 million. The upper-income taxpayers fund the nation.
As NYC is finding out... what happens when they decide to leave?
The joke is on them.
Those 87,000 IRS auditors now work for Trump. Guess who they are going to be assigned to audit?
Everything Bernie stole from the tax payers over the years... is about to be confiscated when the RICO indictments drop. He knows it.
Bernie will spend the rest of his life poor if he's lucky. If unlucky, he will end up in a prison ward for the elderly... or in GITMO.
Can I suggest Rep. Ilhan Omar's brother to be the first inductee to Rikers Island?
Rep. Ilhan Omar (Somalia immigrant) married her own brother, then lied on the immigration papers so that he could get U.S. citizenship based on that sham marriage.
Ukraine is only a current EU candidate country, On Dec 14 2023, the European Council decided to open accession negotiations with Ukraine.
Since Ukraine is NOT an EU country, the U.S. doesn't need to include the EU in any Ukraine discussions. :>)
Unless we see a ring... the EU's opinion don't mean a thing.
By the way, Ukraine is only a current EU candidate country, On Dec 14 2023, the European Council decided to open accession negotiations with Ukraine.
Since Ukraine is NOT an EU country, the U.S. doesn't need to include the EU in any Ukraine discussions. :>)
Trump should also have posted his "impeachment"... along with a complete list of every Congressman that voted for it.
Trump Administration, Russia and Ukraine should hold a video meeting, which the Europeans can be invited to watch live.
They can have a question and answer session afterwards.
First orders of business:
Ban all pharmaceutical advertising on TV, Magazines, Billboards and Radio.
Ban the use of High Fructose Corn Syrup in products, including in pet food too.
Create a national non-Covid-Vax blood supply. Require hospitals to provide non-Covid-Vax blood (if available) to any patient that requests it.
Legalize the sale of Ivermectin and HydroChloroquine as over-the-counter medication, without requirement for prescription, in all 50 U.S. States.
Begin a separate review and national approval process for herbal remedies and medications that have been suppressed for decades by the FDA and pharmaceutical industry. Allow any reviewed and approved herbal remedies to be listed on a national HHS database, with guidelines for their use.
Chuck Schumer self-identifies as a "Miscellaneous Foreign Awardee".
Check his bank account.
Elon is so informed that even his clearances have clearances. His classified status is so high that he can't even tell himself what he's working on.
Thank you, judge, for providing free toilet paper to the State Department.
In the future, please issue your "judicial orders" in 200 pages or more, print on softer paper and use no staples.
At least she didn't hit anything valuable.
Hope Minnesota has NON-corrupt elections by 2026 to replace this Senator.
I'm sure Trump gave all of the Federal prosecutors time to meet with his team and reconcile any differences, join Team Trump.
They didn't take the opportunity provided, so it was time to fire them.
Maybe Maxine can sneak out of the country, hidden in a truckload of deported illegal immigrants.
Now watch Kash Patel.
When that shoe drops... we know that the Deep State will hit the fan.
Coal plants will be re-started?
It's not so easy to re-start a coal power generation plant that has been shut down for years. It could take 2-years to bring mothballed coal fueled electrical power generation plants back online.
Give Zelensky a piano... and let him go amuse himself.
Be sure to disinfect the keyboard afterward.
It was also strange that nearly 100% of Georgia's military absentee votes in 2020 were for Biden and Democrat candidates. That is despite more than 50% of Georgia's military members NOT being Democrats.
Solution: Award 100 points for every LGBTQ character killed in each game.
Award 500 point for every U.N. "blue helmet"
and 1,000 points for every LGBTQ U.N. soldier with a rainbow flag on their helmet.