Retaining_H2O 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Newsweek Says..."

That tells you everything you need to know.

May as well read that as "Deep State Propaganda Says..."

Retaining_H2O 8 points ago +8 / -0


If you don't understand what you are doing when meddling with nature... then you are just a kid with a match in an explosives factory.

Bats feed on mosquitoes at night. An adult bat can eat up to 1000 mosquitoes per hour. Dragonflies eat mosquito larvae and adult mosquitoes. Over 500 species of birds eat mosquitos, including purple martins, herons, robins, swallows, ducks and others. The mosquito fish can eat as much as their own weight in mosquito larvae per day. Goldfish love to eat mosquitos. Wiping out mosquitos through genetic frankenstein experiments can wipe out large parts of the natural ecosystem. Just stop, if you don't know what you're doing.

That's the problem with "science" today. People are being indoctrinated to thinking that they know the solutions, when they don't even understand the problem. Schools teach about CO2 causing Climate Change, so we must reduce CO2 at all costs... yet these same "scientists" can't explain why their own climate models are failing so badly.

If you think nature needs help, then first examine if YOU are part of the problem. Sometimes the biggest help you can give nature is to leave it alone.

Retaining_H2O 3 points ago +4 / -1

No... the Depths of Hell was the basement below the satanic temple on Epstein's private island.

Israel should know that. They have all the videos of it, and have been using them for years to blackmail lawmakers and celebrities.

It wouldn't surprise me if Israel provided the contractors who built the "temple" basement... and installed the video cameras.

Retaining_H2O 2 points ago +2 / -0

The introduction song to "Fiddler on the Roof" keeps coming to mind.

Instead of Ass-ass-in on the Roof... it's going to be the congressional committee that sings and dances their way through this one.

Retaining_H2O 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ultimately, the propaganda media loses.

Propaganda only works while the majority of people believe it. When people awaken to the fact that it's all lies and fabrication... then people tend to find other news sources and just ignore the propaganda. It becomes background noise.

U.S. mainstream media has reached that point.

Retaining_H2O 2 points ago +2 / -0

UUUHHH. Who designed that railway station? That's terrible.

It looks like 1970's functionalism meets Brutalist post-WWII style architecture + a little modernism (but not the good kind).

Have we lost ANY sense of aesthetics?

Come on, France... get some style and have some pride in your high speed railway stations!

Oh... and there was an attack.

Retaining_H2O 5 points ago +5 / -0

Since when has the intelligence community worried about what American citizens want?

Retaining_H2O 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sheila Jackson Lee during the last 3 days.

I hope other Congress critters follow her example.

Retaining_H2O 7 points ago +8 / -1

We know one thing for sure. Iran had NOTHING to do with it.

Retaining_H2O 4 points ago +4 / -0

You might want to try Glassdoor.com. Look for positions listed as Caretaker. There are plenty of resorts, estates, vacation properties, or for off-season care, etc... that need a live-in property caretaker, where room and board are included along with $$$ and insurance coverage.

A lot of those places are in more remote areas like the mountains, lake front, ski resorts, Texas Hill Country, etc... that just need people willing to watch over the place and keep things in repair, or be there to make sure it's being maintained.

If you want to start over and possibly get some you-time for a while, it's a good suggestion. Who knows? You might find your next thing.

Retaining_H2O 9 points ago +9 / -0

F35 is hovering because it's completely ineffective as a weapon... so it has to do something of value. In this case, the F35 is a $100 Million night light.

Retaining_H2O 6 points ago +6 / -0

The WTC complex was owned by a group of investors represented by real estate mogul Larry Silverstein. He signed a 99-year lease on July 24, 2001. . The group didn't actually obtain a "policy" of insurance, but instead they were issued two different "binders", which are documents giving them temporary coverage for the period until the full policy(s) on WTC was issued, but don't contain the full terms and conditions details of a policy. So it was likely the biggest single insurance claim ever, but with policy terms that weren't written out and were mostly implied in the binder contract. When the towers fell a couple of months later, that insurance policy became the focus of a years-long legal proceeding.

It's not uncommon for high profile commercial properties to have terrorism coverage. The WTC policy did. Especially given the 1993 terrorism of the same building complex. The main question here is whether the loss was ONE event or TWO. Since there were two different groups of insurers that participated in two different binders, the big question was ONE or TWO occurrences. In the lawsuits, juries found that under one binder, led by Swiss Re, the attacks were a single occurrence, but under the other binder, led by Travelers, they found it was two occurrences. Ultimately, the insurance payout for the WTC was $4.6 billion - which took until 2007 to sort out.

From what little I know, virtually all of the policy award money went into the rebuilding of the WTC complex and "Freedom Tower" 1 WTC.

Retaining_H2O 4 points ago +4 / -0

They probably couldn't find a Biden actor that can sound like him... so...

Retaining_H2O 3 points ago +3 / -0

I worry as much about the "woke" as I do about styles like 'platform shoes' and "sagging pants" and 4-inch long fingernails.

"Woke" only continues until it becomes ridiculous, nobody will hire you, nobody takes you seriously and you become a social pariah. Then it stops. There will still be a few die-hard "woke", but most will abandon the losing ideology.

It has reached that point.

Retaining_H2O 3 points ago +3 / -0

Years ago, Liberal meant something different.

These days, Liberal means corrupt and controlled.

Retaining_H2O 8 points ago +8 / -0

Whatever. We'll see how Paris handles the Olympics.

Personally, I expect there to be trouble. High Muslim population, Israeli athletes and a chaotic atmosphere... all mix for trouble.

The funny thing is that Paris barricaded the Olympic village and police checkpoints are allowing people in only with the proper documentation. That's, of course, on the surface streets. All of the unknown tunnels under Paris will allow anyone with knowledge to simply pass under or around the barricades, and surface inside the Olympic village.

I give the Paris Olympics 2-3 days before the first major terrorism incident.

Retaining_H2O 7 points ago +7 / -0

The best way of eliminating fire ants... is to advertise that snorting crushed fire ants can get you really high.

If that ad campaign is effective, there won't be a fire ant nest left in California.

The only downside is the thousands of Californians going to the emergency room with swollen nasal passages.

Retaining_H2O 4 points ago +4 / -0

The U.S. Constitution states that the president must be a natural-born citizen of the United States.

Per Cornell University Law, A natural born citizen refers to someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth, and did not need to go through a naturalization proceeding later in life.

Per Harvard Law Review, a “natural born Citizen” means a citizen from birth with no need to go through naturalization proceedings. The Supreme Court has confirmed that natural born citizens are persons born either within the USA or abroad who are citizens from birth based on the citizenship of a parent.

To have become a naturalized citizen, either one of Kamala's parents would need to have resided in the United States as a lawful permanent resident for at least five years... and then completed the naturalization paperwork and process. They didn't before she was born. Her mother came to the U.S. in 1960, and her father in 1961. Kamala was born in 1964. It takes 5 years of residency within the U.S. to apply for citizenship, and both of her parents were here on visas when she was born. She is not a natural born citizen of the U.S..

Trump can let Kamala be selected as the Dem candidate at their convention in August, and then immediately challenge her candidacy to the Supreme Court. She doesn't meet the definition, and is therefor ineligible.

Retaining_H2O 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably a true statement. Is the REAL Kamala Harris still alive? There are so many clones that it's hard to tell.

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