Nice breakdown. I spotted a couple of unusual phrases but I'm still not quite yet at the stage to put the comms together yet (learner driver with much to learn and less time than I'd like). It's definitely a real story too, as Australian pedes testify, but the news with this has gone on a while and the specific references have been indicative of something else happening within the context of comms.
I like the implications within your assessment! I'd wondered if it's metaphorical bleeding (of power / blood / life force)- the inability to continue a public role as they become powerless.
Nice breakdown. I spotted a couple of unusual phrases but I'm still not quite yet at the stage to put the comms together yet (learner driver with much to learn and less time than I'd like). It's definitely a real story too, as Australian pedes testify, but the news with this has gone on a while and the specific references have been indicative of something else happening within the context of comms.
I like the implications within your assessment! I'd wondered if it's metaphorical bleeding (of power / blood / life force)- the inability to continue a public role as they become powerless.