Matthew DiPerno (sp?) said he heard from a contact at the DOJ that they are now contemplating two choices: barge in and confiscate EVERYTHING to shut down audit results, or to just let the results be published.
The deciding factor apparently is their read on just how pissed 72m American patriots would REALLY be?
Matthew DiPerno (sp?) said he heard from a contact at the DOJ that they are now contemplating two choices: barge in and confiscate EVERYTHING to shut down audit results, or to just let the results be published.
The deciding factor apparently is their read on just how pissed 72m American patriots would REALLY be?
I think we all know the answer to that.
80+M imho
Oh, I totally agree! But they only quote the "official" numbers.
By the time this is all done, I bet we hit 100m.