Genocide has nothing to do with the AMOUNT of dead bodies, but with the intention (mens rea) of exterminating a genus, or sort.
There are different types of humans. This can be demonstrated genetically and is well documented. (dive into anthropology: Robert Sepehr on YT)
So, with this in mind, the question must be posed: What is a human being?
Can this question be answered by looking strictly biological? Or is there more we have to take into account to answer that question.
A very interesting write up I found on NCBI in this document:
Below a few quotes that I found remarkable:
Many people think of cells as firm little building blocks, like bricks in a wall. But this is not the case, as we realize when we look into the microscope. There is very little firmness in the colonies of cells. The whole enormous order we can observe in an organism, in some ways, is an illusion, because cells die all the time and are endlessly replaced by others. The order exists only due to continuous, dynamic processes.Many people think of cells as firm little building blocks, like bricks in a wall. But this is not the case, as we realize when we look into the microscope. There is very little firmness in the colonies of cells. The whole enormous order we can observe in an organism, in some ways, is an illusion, because cells die all the time and are endlessly replaced by others. The order exists only due to continuous, dynamic processes. The only permanent thing in our biology is the recipe that specifies a human being[3]
During the embryonic stage, as we develop into humans, it all begins with the reading of the recipe. One single cell, the fertilized egg, divides itself again and again. When the dividing cells reach a certain number, they coordinate their decisions as to which cells are going to turn into what: skin, bone marrow, liver, nervous system, etc. This is done in a highly organized way that lays out the embryo in exactly three layers of cells, as found in very primitive organisms such as jellyfish. Later, a regular fish embryo emerges with gill arches, etc. As the embryo develops, we see features from toads, mammals, and, finally, humans. A billion years of evolution played through in just 3 months. More than anything else, what living cells know is how to communicate. When the cells inside of me communicate with each other, they do it so well that they practically melt into one big lump or the person that is called “me”. Actually, there are two selves: The ego, which is part of the mind and who we think we are, and the deep self, who we are meant to be by nature, to be implemented into a human being by all the cells' continuous communication with each other[4].
Deep in our lives, this is what we really know how to do. Creating closeness through communication, which by the way is not a bad definition of love. When looking deeply into our biology we are, in fact, made to realize communication, closeness and love. We were born to love. As we all know, however, loving is the hardest thing to do. A person’s ability to love expresses how coherent and whole he or she is. As we mature and develop as persons, we rediscover the coherence and wholeness that makes us capable of loving.
However, human beings are so much more than this [red.: ego]. Our lives and our deep selves are much more complicated and amazing. Deep in the biology of humanity lies a recipe for being human; and this recipe has tremendous potentials for love and meaningful relations. But there is even more to life: Through life's complicated communication systems we are also connected to the world around us. That is why, intuitively, we know so much — not only about ourselves but also about the world at large — even if this deep knowledge is not always easily expressed.
Amazing, is it not? But let it sink in a little. What happens when you hijack the communication within a organism?
Let's consider a society as a body. What happens when you introduce an alien force, with a different communication style, different value systems, different objectives? (does every culture view rape the same way?) Dis-ease is a consequence.
Let's consider the body politic. What happens when you introduce an alien force, with a different communication style, different value systems, different objectives? (marxism; mathematics is raycist) Dis-ease is a consequence.
And now you also surmise where I am going with this.
What happens when you introduce an alien force like the covid-19 jab? Why? Because the spike protein hijacks your innate immune systems. It basically orders your system to stand down. It proliferates itself.
Take note of the number in this quote from
- Can the unvaccinated get sick from contact with the vaccinated? The vaccine produces many trillions of particles of spike proteins in the recipient. Patients who are vaccinated can shed some of these (spike protein) particles to close contacts. The particles have the ability to create inflammation and disease in these contacts. In other words, the spike proteins are pathogenic (“disease causing”) just like the full virus. What is most worrisome is that a person’s body is being suddenly flooded with 13 trillion of these particles and the spike proteins bind more tightly than the fully intact virus. Because of the biomimicry (similarity) on the spike, shedding appears to be causing wide variety of autoimmune disease (where the body attacks its own tissue) in some persons. Worldwide cases of pericarditis, shingles, pneumonia, blood clots in the extremities and brain, Bell’s Palsy, vaginal bleeding and miscarriages have been reported in persons who are near persons who have been vaccinated. In addition, we know the spike proteins can cross the blood brain barrier, unlike traditional vaccines.
Take also note of the neurological damage. So, not only does the spike protein hijack the communication itself, it hijacks the pathways too!
The question I posed at the beginning of the post was: What is a human being?
Clearly, the information we have available point to an astutely aware and moral being.
The article on NCBI states in the Abstract:
But somewhere deep in life exists the finest sweetness, the greatest quality in life, the pure joy of being alive that emerges when we are fully present and life is in balance. This deep joy of life is what we call experiencing the meaning of life.
For those reading the bible: The fruit of the spirit: Love, joy, peace (all the other qualities mentioned are descriptions of behavior)
So, basically, on the one hand we have the potential for being in the NOW, but not being driven by satisfying our immediate needs, as we can employ a moral consideration on what to do next. We can employ our ego to abstractly solve problems by pro - metheus and epi - metheus. Thinking before the fact, and thinking after the fact.
A being aware.
What this has to do with the jab and genocide?
If the spike protein both hijacks the communication itself and the pathways within our organism, what about the external communication and pathways? What does that mean for the beings "enriched" thusly?
Does that create a new being? A new genus? Does it inhibit a free and moral self determination on the best course of being and action? Does it make the new being dependent, unthinking, obedient and compliant? Can the being still connect to his soul? Or has such a being lost that capability due to the hijacking?
As I indicated already, genocide is not the act of extermination itself, but the willful intention of extermination of a genus.
When this pandemic was created, the immediate outcome was that ONLY a jab would be the way out of this crisis. Nothing else would help.
HCQ and Ivermectin were forbidden, and in many countries are still forbidden. People are actively dissuaded from researching and sharing this information and obtaining such medicines. Natural remedies are faced with the same.
Additionally, in countries where a vaxx mandate cannot be instituted, the social pressure and programming is inescapable in plain view. Peculiar justifications are being brought to bear in a framework of guilt and shame. But also employers demanding you to be jab-ed, lest you want to find yourself without a job.
In some countries, like Pakistan, peoples sim cards are disabled.
And we do not even have to discuss a social credit score system as a coercive control grid to make you compliant for fear of losing your benefits.
This is a willful wanting to vaxx ALL people. This is intention.
With what effect? If it even comes close to what I am suggesting, this is a genocide of a scale never seen in human history, on par with the genocide of mosquito's, which will impact the food chain, species diversity, etc.
In an even more out on a limb scenario: certain entities are collecting all seeds. What if any and all species are already accounted for. If the whole world breaks down, can it be rebuilt? Yes, if you have both the seeds and the techniques to bring it back. (think Jurassic Park and is evidence by clone Molly and currently the research done on hybrids organ growth).
The common good does not exist in nature. Only in the minds of those who elevate it to the level of leitmotif, it exist. Consider the movies: Zeitgeist.
Yeah, it served as a wake up call. But note how it redirects the thought process into the common good. Also note with whom the maker of these movies is consorting with. Indeed. The same CABAL that gave us the scamdemic and the only solution: the jab.
Didn’t God destroy humanity because their seed had been corrupted? This story has been playing in my mind for weeks. I think the elites want to corrupt & destroy the Progeny of Adam & eve.
Valid argument, I suppose.
Thinking about it, then the elites also would be the progeny of Adam & Eve, right?
Hence, it seems to me, we are dealing with people who have set up themselves as the lord protectors of the realm based on Thanos-ism, and just like Thanos, boast their virtue.
For those in the danger of demise, there is of course this consideration, exemplified by the words of my niece:
This is typical a statement showing how this prenicious theme of the greater good, misleads and pushes people to adopt a rather "christian" view on their circumstances: to suffer for righteousness.
This same argument was heard and advertised with mask wearing, lockdowns, and even jabs.
It is a virtue signalling of personal sacrifice. A heroism far exeding the heroism of a battlefield in service to your country. All you have to do is self sacrifice for the common good.
Quite a powerful idea.
It reminds me of those scenes in movies where one of the chaps sacrifices itself so others may live, or the plan may still be executed.
Maybe it is a deep biological knowledge of men to recognize that their basic function in biology, is protection and death. A woman's role is about care and life.
Co-opt it, redirect it through propaganda and what do you get? The world of today.....
Did you hear about the Discovery of Gilgamesh body in 2003, pre-invasion? BBC published a story about it.
In 2019, FIOA released emails were published & they discussed, and I quote” requesting location site of Gilgamesh & the Nephalim Resurrection chamber”. I believe Nimrod of the Bible (Son of Ham, Grandson of Noah) is Gilgamesh of the Summarian legend. I’ve been doing research on this subject & it seems like the Elites want to resurrect these Demi-gods of the past, and have has worship them as our “alien” overlords or whatever (project blue beam).
This falls In Line with the Tower of Babel looking EU Parliment building in Brussels. I think the elites see themselves as the descendants of the cursed line of Ham.
Canaan was cursed. Not Ham. Considering the Noah story, that is quite a peculiar way of doing business.
This also leaves the question who Noah really was. You know as well as I do, cursing somebody does not materialize, and the curse itself is quite overbearing for such a small item of offense, while Noah perpetrated the problem himself.
SO, he was caught with his pants down, while drunk and intoxicated (behaving like a prophet? See Saul). Stupid maybe. dishonoring? yeah .... but caused by his own actions, and to shift bearing the brunt of it to someone else, unrelated to the issue at hand .....
...looks rather petty and injust, a perversion.But maybe he spoke in haste with a hangover of the ages.