So, its been a few weeks since my last post regarding ppl coming into the ER..New update is they are STILL coming with vomiting, chest pain, stroke symptoms, blood clots, body wide rashes. Most under 50 and generally healthy, usually within a week of getting the devils juice. New development is the admitting rate of Covid positive patients has increased..ALL OF THEM WERE VACCINATED. Of the 5 they all received Moderna, (because my nosey ass had to ask so i could tell my frens). Watching my office mate libs, who all creamed over the shot, start to try to compute this info has been beyond entertaining. But alas, they almost all fell beack to "well if everyone would get vaccinated...." I just roll my eyes and move along, an unmarked pede.....
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Did you ever hear of "long covid" before mask mandates?
The answer to that is uncertain.....sorry !
Mask mandates started in the UK around late July and I believe Long C. Was first mentioned around that time but possibly as early as late June/ early July.....happy to be corrected on that timeline though ?