something tells me that this doesn't include streaming numbers which is where the bulk of kids would get this content from nowadays. broadcast numbers aren't as significant as they used to be so its not a good metric to determine how many people are being brainwashed.
what the streaming services means is dont alienate fans and dont alienate the parents of the children becouse there are lots of alternatives for getting content....if I was a parent content viewed would always be curated and reviewed.. it is actualy 1000 times easier for a parent to keep the bad content away from there kid then it was 10 years ago.
something tells me that this doesn't include streaming numbers which is where the bulk of kids would get this content from nowadays. broadcast numbers aren't as significant as they used to be so its not a good metric to determine how many people are being brainwashed.
what the streaming services means is dont alienate fans and dont alienate the parents of the children becouse there are lots of alternatives for getting content....if I was a parent content viewed would always be curated and reviewed.. it is actualy 1000 times easier for a parent to keep the bad content away from there kid then it was 10 years ago.