posted ago by Retaining_H2O ago by Retaining_H2O +41 / -0

Western Gulf has water temperatures in mid to high 80's, will have ideal conditions next week for tropical storm development.

That brings up a reminder for White Hats. Atlantic hurricane season is beginning. There is no telling if several hurricanes, including a few major hurricanes, will make landfall in Georgia, the Carolinas, Florida, Alabama, etc... during the next few months. August & September are the peak months for hurricane season.

Please don't let a hurricane or tropical system cause you to lose track of ballots (or be used as an excuse by corrupt officials to move ballots). If some state official decides to relocate the ballots, using hurricane as an excuse, before they can be audited... then they can claim the ballots weren't under secured storage and may have been tampered with, invalidating future audits.

Basically, if tropical systems form, have a plan beforehand to ensure NO state or federal officials can tamper with the ballots or any other evidence.