So i have a friend who caught the flu (covid), was already compromised from 1-3 hours sleep for 3 days (His dad passed, natural causes), and he caught double pnemonia.
4.5 months later, 2 cardiac events (died 2x), ventalator, and 60 lbs lossed weight.
4 mos. After that, wife insisted he get jabbed to protect him. From 270 to 130 lbs. Cant eat. Food smells terrible. Goes to er, feeding tube, iv, scans.
2 weeks later, found gall bladder full of sludge, and removed an infectious mass next to gall bladder the size of a golf ball.
Draining the sludge, on a clear liquid diet. Can eat foods for first time in almost 7 months. Starting to recover, finally.
-Covid was cleared up in first week, the double pnemonia is what almost killed him.
-The infectious mass didnt appear until after the jab.
-doctors wouldnt even consider the gall bladder until after this final hospitalization.
-He is finally getting better. Was able to eat some foods the odor of which didnt make him sick. Apparebtly gall bladder issues can alter smell of foods? Never heard that before.
-until this everyone thought it was meds messing with sense of smell.
Even as bad as it may get, dont stop fighting, and never give up.