Seeing that Danish soccer player collapse has made all this a lot more real for me. Yeah, i'm incredibly excited about a Trump return and being able to tell everyone I told you so, but holy shit this could get really scary. What actually happens if it turns out that all the people who've been vaccinated have max 3 years to live, shed spike proteins and will most likely become (even more) retarded in the meantime? Wonder if this is why the military conducted zombie apocalypse survival training..
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Literally had this same thought.
Hell what happens if the CDC actually are more incompetent than evil and make a huge announcement pleading for an immediate cease of vaccine distribution....
...and then our leaders ignore it
To be fair, they might actually have a kernel of truth this time around. I'm sorry but I seriously don't see any rational argument that doesn't involve Trump being at least partially culpable for the proliferation of vaccines. He's still pushing them/taking credit to this very day. I know he's not the one who created the poison himself but the fact that he's been so staunch on his pro-covid vaccine position is very concerning.
Think about this:
This is war.
The vaxx is a chinese bioweapon designed to soften us up before the major attack and then eventually the cleanup crews would come in to finish the job. If Trump hadn't released the vaccine early, Biden et al. would have just sat back and watched the world suffer for years in lockdowns while the country went deeper and deeper into depression. By the time China sent in ground troops to exterminate the last of us, we would be too weak to fight back.
By releasing the vaccine early, we take more casualties up front, but the silver lining is that it was never mandatory, so everyone will have chosen their own fate. and those of us left will be stronger for it in the long run.
Also, by having the vaccine out before the real war has started, it is plainly obvious to anyone who cares to look what is causing all the deaths. If there was simultaneously kinetic warfare, famine, economic depression, along with bioweapons, no one would be able to connect the dots to definitively determine that it was the vax that is killing people.
Trump took a calculated risk but he essentially took the vaccine agenda and turned it around to use it against the deep state.
I get that, but it still doesn't explain why he still pushes the vaccine even now. If that was a necessary evil at the time then so be it, but why still encourage people who trust him to get it?