666 Don Jr. just said, "To say that attacking Fauci is an attack on science is like saying an attack on Bill Cosby is to attack comedy." -Professional troll (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Insignificant 3 years ago by Insignificant +666 / -0 28 comments download share 28 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
At this point, I could see them trying to spin that into something that sounds nice and caring somehow. They've truly distorted the language so much that anything they say could have a double meaning.
Compassion is what DeViLlz use to separate you from your own hearts.
They also try to use your Good Conscience against you.
Put on armour of God and do good deeds only.
SaTaNzz is to no good all the time.
Don't let them kill your conscience!
It is all about our children.
Defend the Children to defend the future from eViLzz.
Dude speak fuckin english
Do they speak English in WhAttt?