Check out Steve Cioccolanti's "Trump Prophecy" . He also has a piece on prophetic slips that is very interesting. Eg. "I am the only thing between you and the apocalypse, - HRC. Apocalypse means great unveiling of truth or great awakening, Armageddon would be the biblical war. She inadvertently said she was the only thing preventing the truth coming out and what have we learned since DJT won? Just food for thought.
Check out Steve Cioccolanti's "Trump Prophecy" . He also has a piece on prophetic slips that is very interesting. Eg. "I am the only thing between you and the apocalypse, - HRC. Apocalypse means great unveiling of truth or great awakening, Armageddon would be the biblical war. She inadvertently said she was the only thing preventing the truth coming out and what have we learned since DJT won? Just food for thought.